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        DH-2 two-component filter glue

        一、low-foam filter glue technical parameters


        A componentwhite viscous liquid

        B componentyellow or brown liquid


        A component1.9+0.5

        B component1.10+0.05

        Start foaming timeh


        Initial curing timeh


        Full curing timeh


        二、Low foam filter glue Usage

        Low-foam filter for the two-component modified polyurethane foam plastic encapsulants for automotive air filter element with a metal cover, plastic cover sealing and bonding between; filter paper and metal, plastic between sealing and bonding.

        三、How to use

        1, cover the surface should be cleaned to remove oil, dust, and thoroughly dried, the surface must not have any oil, water and other foreign matter, so as not to affect the bonding strength.

        2, the ingredients in the tank before the component A Stir or inverted, according to 8:1 ratio of A and B component mix, and stir evenly.

        3, the amount of adhesive injected into the end cap and place a moment, so that the adhesive coating on the surface of a flat cover all parts.

        4, the filter paper (or plus central tube) into the cover, check the two glued surface, to ensure it is fully in contact, at the top a little pressure to stand.

        5, after 2 hours of curing, the flip cover and glued with another 24 hours to fully dry before packing, 5 days use.

        四、Low foaming filter glue packaging storage element

        Packing: A group of copies, 30 kg, wide-mouth plastic drum; B component, four kg chemical plastic drum.

        Storage: According to General Cargo Ship (non-hazardous), room temperature storage period of six months, after more than six months after re-examination can continue to use.

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